Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Synergy Arts Camp: King of the Jungle Script!

After learning about our animal characters and starting on our puppets, we've got our story line all mapped out - now it's just up to me to put it into a script!  And here it is - enjoy!

Welcome to our jungle adventure, where we’re on the search for the elusive and rare pink dragonfly!   I’ve been studying about this rare insect for years, and I’ve come to this very jungle – the only jungle where it lives in the world! – to snap a photograph.  When I’m all done, I’ll just get back in my boat and float up the river to the local village, safely back to civilization.  I even have this map with me to help remember the way!  (Pulls out a thick folded piece of paper.)  I’m very glad you’re all here – maybe we can find some other animals on our adventures! 

Like that parrot!  Oh my!

(PARROT puppet flies onto the stage.)
Look at its colourful feathers and large, hook-like beak!  Most parrots I’ve ever met can talk – I wonder if this one can?

SQUWACK!  Tiger behind you!  SQUWACK!

Interesting … I’m pretty sure that parrot just said ‘Tiger behind you’ … ACK!

(TIGER puppet appears behind Explorer, ROARS LOUDLY and chases her.  Explorer drops the map while TIGER puppet pursues her, until ELEPHANT puppet appears and TRUMPETS LOUDLY, scaring TIGER puppet away.)

Oh, thank you, Elephant!  Thank goodness you’re much bigger than Tiger.  Now, I’m so tired from running so far … and I’m so lost!   (Explorer looks for her map.)  I’ll never find my boat on the river now!

Climb on my back!  I’ll carry you!

(Explorer mimes climbing ELEPHANT puppet’s back, but stops to realize something.)

But elephant, we’re very deep in the jungle, and I can’t see past any of these trees!  How do we know which way to go?

I have a friend who can help us!

(ELEPHANT puppet TRUMPETS LOUDLY to call the GIRAFFE puppet, who appears and bows.)

Hello, noble giraffe!  Could you look above the trees and tell us which way the river is?

(GIRAFFE puppet bows deeply again, and extends his neck above the trees.  He then brings his neck back down to motion which way the river is.)

Thank you, giraffe!  Off we go, elephant!

(ELEPHANT puppet mimes galloping while Explorer rides the animal’s back.  They come to a stop at the river bank, but no boat.)

Well, this is the river, but this is not where my boat is!  I need to get back to my boat and away from that tiger!

Sorry – all you said was head to the river, and I’ve got to get stompin’!  Adios!

(ELEPHANT puppet leaves while Explorer looks confused.)

The river is very long both ways – I don’t know which way to go!  Now I’m really lost! 

(HIPPO puppet appears and splashes water.)

Hey!  I was swimming in the river, and I found a boat down that way!  (Hippo motions down the river.)  Does it belong to you?

Yes, Mr. Hippo!  Can you help me get back to it?

I sure can!  Climb on my back, and we’ll swim down river.

Oh, thank you very much!

(Explorer mimes climbing HIPPO puppet’s back to swim down river.)

Thank goodness we didn’t run into that big crocodile!

(Takes a big gulp and looks worried.) Crocodile?  How big is this crocodile?  AAAAAAH! 

(CROCODILE puppet appears and roars!)


(CROCODILE puppet growls and slowly approaches HIPPO puppet and Explorer.  HIPPO puppet makes a bigger roar and stomps his feet, which scares the crocodile away, whimpering.)

Oh, thank goodness for your bigness, Mr. Hippo!  We could have been croc bait!

Well, I’ve got a cramp from all that swimming and stomping.  I’ve got to go now!

(HIPPO puppet disappears into the water.)

But wait!  I haven’t found my boat yet!

(TOUCAN puppet flies on stage.)

I can help you!  It’s just a little bit furthur!

What helpful animals!  Thank you, Toucan!  Let’s go!

(Explorer and TOUCAN puppet travel along the riverbank when they see the boat.)

Hooray!  I’ve found my boat!  It’s just too bad I wasn’t able to find the rare pink dragonfly … at least I’m safe.

(DRAGONFLY puppet suddenly appears and flies around Explorer’s head.)

I can’t believe it – it’s right in front of me – the rare pink dragonfly!  I just need to get my camera ready … now steady … oh, National Geographic will put this on the front page …

(Just then, TREE FROG puppet appears, hops towards Explorer and sits.)

Tree Frog
Whatcha doing there, Explorer?

I’m about to take the greatest wildlife picture of all time, and it’s going to be spectacular!

Tree Frog

(TREE FROG puppet then catches DRAGONFLY puppet with his tongue and eats it – a delicious dinner!)

Tree Frog
Yes, the jungle is a spectacular place!

(Explorer, looking disappointed, sulks into the boat.)

Drats!  I guess I really met the true Kings of the Jungle!

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